Art_series 032 辻ヶ花-華と碧.set【現品販売】70,000jpy
Art_series 032 (現品販売)
辻ヶ花 - 華と碧
付属品:Drip-bag hanger峰乃櫓、アルミ収納缶、レザーポーチ、森乃雫ポケット付きクロス(ユニチカ製)、ロゴステッカー(65mm)、千社色札、取説、化粧箱。
辻ヶ花を潰す事なく、畝り仕上げのため 肉厚のバラツキが功を奏して濃淡がつき美しい波の群青のグラデーションに表現ができた。
この作品をみて感じるのは 「海が畝るほど風の強いなか 野花は力強く咲き誇る」
これは現実の光景でもよく目にする。花が大きく根が小さいと吹き飛ばされるが、花、茎、根の絶妙な柔軟性で強風をも受け流し 力強く咲き誇り、見る者の心の安らぎを与える。
Art_series 032 (Actual item sales)
Tsujigahana- Hana to Heki
Accessories: Drip-bag hanger Mineno Yagura, aluminum storage can, leather pouch, Morino Shizuku cloth with pocket (manufactured by Unitika), logo sticker (65mm), Sensha color tag, instruction manual, vanity case.
[Work content]
Large ridges and Shigure Ranmon are engraved on half of the top cover, and the Tsujiga flower is formed using anodized oxide film, and the blue color is formed using thermal oxide film.
The uneven thickness of the ridged finish without crushing the Tsujigahana was successful, creating a beautiful ultramarine gradation of waves.
Since the underbody is a standard body, it cannot be carved deeply, but in order not to damage the finish of the cover, I ground it to the limit to express the ridges and finish it as a silver wave.
[As a product name]
``Hana'' as wild flowers blooming on the quay
Below you can see the wave crests ridged in the ocean, giving you the impression of the azure sea. The combination was named ``Hana to Heki''.
What I feel when I look at this work is ``The wind is so strong that the sea is ridged, and the wildflowers are in full bloom.''
This can often be seen in real life. If the flowers are large and the roots are small, they will be blown away, but with the exquisite flexibility of the flowers, stems, and roots, they can resist even strong winds and bloom powerfully, giving peace of mind to those who see it.
This work made me realize once again that I need to have a flexible mind.
L 41mm W 17mm H 28mm Wt 7.7g