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Art_series 040 Turquoise 花緑青.set【現品販売】65000jpy

Art_series 040 Turquoise 花緑青.set【現品販売】65000jpy

Art_series 040 (現品販売)

Turquoise - 花緑青

- Hana rokusyo -

付属品:Drip-bag hanger峰乃櫓、アルミ収納缶、レザーポーチ、森乃雫ポケット付きクロス(ユニチカ製)、ロゴステッカー(65mm)、千社色札、取説、専用化粧箱。



トップカバーに大きな雲龍模様を彫り込み 青みがかった緑の熱酸化膜をより均一になるよう施しました。


アンダーボディには角度をずらした浅い多面を削りだし、酸化膜への紫外線入射角が視野で変化し玉虫色の効果を狙い、後方の鉛直部にはアクセントとして 陥没穴を施してます。


従来から発色の良い青緑に輝く酸化膜形成に何十回とトライし 全体への青緑発色の酸化膜形成は断念しかけてましたが、従来方法の工程から見直し 新たに陽極酸化と熱酸化のハイブリッド施工することにより実現しました。





和名を併せる意図があったので ターコイズ色として



がありありますが、名称起源および色見本からイメージが合わなかった。明るく渋い青緑色で「花緑青(Hana Rokusyo-iro)」がイメージと合致したので「Turquoise 花緑青」と命名。




冒頭にも説明しているが これまで一部分でしか形成できなかった酸化膜色で、なんとか全面への形成ができないかと カット&トライを繰り返したが、先に繋がる結果が得られず 現状の設備や酸素濃度雰囲気では無理なんだと諦めかけていたが、できない条件を見直し やり方を工夫(既知の組合せ)で克服できることを再認識!

※既知: すでに知り得てる知識


「諦める」 言葉の意味



何が問題なのかを整理し 諦める前に悔いの残らないように整理し直したことが、新たなる「知識・技術」を得られた。 トーマスエジソンの言う「数万回のできない理由を発見した」との名言は納得。


欲いえば もっと若い時代に理解したかったのと、この人生終盤で自身の行動を促す言葉の意味を理解するとは皮肉なものである。




Art_series 040 (Actual item sales)

- Hana rokusyo -


Accessories: Drip-bag hanger Mineno Yagura, aluminum storage can, leather pouch, Morino Shizuku cloth with pocket (manufactured by Unitika), logo sticker (65mm), Sensha color tag, instruction manual, vanity case.


[Work content]

A large cloud and dragon pattern is carved into the top cover, and a bluish-green thermal oxide film is applied to make it more uniform.


The underbody has shallow multi-faceted surfaces carved out at different angles, and the angle of UV light incident on the oxide film changes depending on the field of view, creating an iridescent effect.


A sunken hole is added to the vertical section at the rear as an accent.


We had tried dozens of times to form an oxide film that shines a vibrant blue-green color, and had almost given up on forming an oxide film that shines blue-green over the entire surface, but we were able to make it happen by reviewing the process of the conventional method and adopting a new hybrid method of anodizing and thermal oxidation.


[Product naming]

A turquoise blue cloud dragon pattern!

Depending on how you look at it, it shines like raw turquoise.

There was an intention to combine Japanese names, so there were Shinbashi-iro and Konbaru-iro as turquoise colors, but the image did not match based on the origin of the name and the color sample. The bright, subdued blue-green color "Hana Rokusyo-iro" matched the image, so we named it "Turquoise Hana_Rokusyo."


"My thoughts on making this piece"

As explained at the beginning, I had only been able to form the green oxide film color on a part of the surface, so I repeatedly tried cutting and trying to form it on the entire surface, but I couldn't get any good results. I was about to give up, thinking that it was impossible with the current equipment and oxygen atmosphere, but I reconsidered the conditions under which it was impossible and realized that I could overcome it by devising a method (known combination)!

*Known: knowledge that is already known


「The meaning of the word "give up"」

As seen in the phrases "resignation" and "resignation listening" which mean "to see clearly, to listen clearly", the original meaning is "to make clear" or "to clarify".

*From an essay by a professor at Otani University


By sorting out what the problem was and reorganizing it so that there would be no regrets before giving up, I was able to gain new "knowledge and skills". I agree with Thomas Edison's famous quote that "I have discovered tens of thousands of reasons why something cannot be done".


I wish I had understood this when I was younger, and it's ironic that I only understand the meaning of these words that motivate me to take action so late in my life.




  • size

    L 43mm W 17mm H 28mm Wt 8.9g

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