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Art_series 027 槌目辻ヶ花.set【現品販売】75000jpy

Art_series 027 槌目辻ヶ花.set【現品販売】75000jpy

ドリップバッグハンガー 峰乃櫓とのセット商品。【現物販売商品】


付属品: レザーポーチ、アルミ缶、森乃雫ポケット付きマイクロクロス(ユニチカ製)、ステッカー、取説。







辻ヶ花技法の装飾や彩色の細やかさは他の着物の比ではなく、淡く柔らかい絵柄は逸品物となりますが、硬いチタン金属に槌目模様を施し て更に酸化膜でこの雰囲気を似せて仕上げるのは至難の技となります。











Set product with drip bag hanger Mineno Yagura. [Products for actual sale]


Accessories: leather pouch, aluminum can, microcloth with Morino Shizuku pocket, sticker, instruction manual


What is Phantom Tsujigahana? Although it was very popular from the end of the Muromachi period to the Momoyama period, it suddenly disappeared from the world due to the appearance of other techniques, but the mysterious technique was reprinted after the war (Showa).


The decoration and coloring of the Tsujigahana technique are not comparable to other kimonos, and the light and soft pattern is a masterpiece, but the hard titanium metal has a hammered pattern and an oxide film to mimic this atmosphere. Finishing is the most difficult skill.


The name of this product is

It is named "Tsutime Tsujigahana" because it has a phantom tsujigahana carved into the hammered pattern.


In addition, this is the first model with a hammered pattern on the entire body and a Tsujigahana design.


The V-shaped tip of the top cover is ground and expanded toward the top to reduce the resistance of the hot water flowing inside and increase the flow, improving the discharge amount of the spout.


  • size

    L 43mm W 17mm H 28mm Wt 8.9g



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