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Art_series 048 Erosion.set 【現品販売】50000jpy

Art_series 048 Erosion.set 【現品販売】50000jpy

Art_series 048 (現品販売)

Erosion ~ 侵食


付属品:Drip-bag hanger峰乃櫓、アルミ収納缶、レザーポーチ、森乃雫ポケット付きクロス(ユニチカ製)、ロゴステッカー(65mm)、千社色札、取説、専用化粧箱。



トップカバーに 一滴、一滴、雫が落ちて長い月日を経て岩盤が侵食されたイメージで彫りました。内部を通る水流が見えるように大小の貫通穴も施してます。









作品内容をそのままに「Erosion ~ 侵食」と命名



今回の作品は 当初酸化膜も施す予定でしたが、下地完成時にチタニュウム色をそのままで完成とした方が商品名称に似合ってるかと思い、凹凸を強く表現して迫力が更にでるよう追加研削して仕上げました。




Art_series 048 (Actual item sales)

Erosion ~ 侵食


Accessories: Drip-bag hanger Mineno Yagura, aluminum storage can, leather pouch, Morino Shizuku cloth with pocket (manufactured by Unitika), logo sticker (65mm), Sensha color tag, instruction manual, vanity case.


[Work content]

The top cover is carved with the image of drops falling one by one and eroding the bedrock over the course of a long period of time. There are also small and large holes through it so that you can see the water flowing through the interior.

The underbody is a base body with an antique (D) finish.


There are defects around the top cover and on the vertical surfaces to create a rough impression.


By shortening the water channel by 2mm and scraping down the inside, we were able to achieve a thicker flow of hot water.

*The through hole does not affect the water flow.


[Product name]

The title is "Erosion" based on the content of the work.


[ Thoughts on the work]

Initially, I had planned to apply an oxide film to this piece, but once the base was complete I thought it would be more in keeping with the product name if I left the titanium color as is, so I finished it by doing additional grinding to emphasize the unevenness and make it look even more impressive.






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